Friday, October 31, 2014

Let's discuss: Halloween

What do you think when you hear the word Halloween?
I think of candy, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, and all the festive, holiday stuff.
But Halloween was originally a pagan(satanic) holiday.
Why do you think the word Halloween is so eerie?

But now it's a generally happy little holiday where kids knock on stranger's doors and ask for//demand candy.
What if a person doesn't want to give out candy?
Do they have to leave the house?
Or ignore the insistent ringing of doorbells every so often?
Or turn off all the lights and leave out no decorations so the kids know to stay away?
What's wrong with having holiday spirit but not wanting to defile children's teeth?
What do they do?

And a lot of people take Halloween the wrong way. They take it as an opportunity to scare innocent children or steal their candy. Somebody told me that once I'm too old to trick or treat, I should take childrens' candy when they come to my door and shut it in their faces.
That's so cruel!

At least Christians still get to celebrate. Children go to churches and have a festival so they don't feel left out. My friend volunteers there every Halloween.

I honestly don't have much to say about Halloween. I just wanted to have an currently relevant post. //success

But Halloween is a strange holiday.
As a kid, I still have to approve of it.
Free candy!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Today was a strange day. 
I witnessed several examples of completely unnecessary middle school drama.
Or like... two.
Quick preface:
I am a female middle-schooler.
I am not girly, and I am not a tomboy.

After break, I was in the locker room, changing for P.E., but I realized that it was still break. I had already finished changing, and I didn't want to change back, so I had to stay in the locker room area. 
Some girls a grade younger than me had also thought break was over, so they started changing. They began discussing about strange topics such as boobs and ass and started taking about size and got into an argument because one was offended by another about some silly topic as such. They were standing half naked arguing about asses. I scooted out of the locker room as fast as possible. Since I could no longer return to the locker room, I stood in the shadows around the back entrance of the locker room and didn't have anything to do. 
I watched as two boys(both a grade lower than me), one shorter than the other by a considerable amount, walked past me at a fast pace. They didn't notice me. They stopped, and the shorter one exclaimed:"Even though you're three inches taller than me, doesn't mean you have superiority! You owe me something!"
The taller one retorted:"I don't owe you anything!"
They began argue and have whiny brawl.
The shorter one yelled:"You owe me something! I expect payment!"
The taller one screamed:"I don't have payment for you now!"
There was much more brawling and yelling, involving "You always think you're right, but you're not!" and repeated "You owe me something."
This looked like a TV show scene. 
This had got to be for drama, but apparently not.
Finally, they stopped fighting with their elbows and forearms and started walking the direction they came, arguing as they went. 
"You owe me something!" The shorter one yelled with excessive hand motions. "You owe me something for my ball the you lost!"

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Glorious Calling

Just to preface this, I have watched both the original AtLA series, and all the episodes of LoK that are currently release. I love this show and am disappointed that it's ending, but am excited for the rest of Book Four.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Book Four is so irritating. They give us a splendid 20 minute episode, and then you have to wait a week for another? Come on!
I love this series, and Book Four is great so far. We know that Kuvira is obviously set as the villain, but the pitiful flirting of Prince Wu almost makes you want to root for her.
Mako, Asami and Bolin are together, and Korra is on her way//yay team avatar.

The Calling

This is my favorite episode of Book Four so far. It has a great message to kids(cuz Nickelodeon) about friendship, and team effort, and such, but I'm glad it brought in Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.
This episode made Jinora almost seem like an asshole, and Meelo was always a pretentious little kid, but it was still a great episode.
I love how they always sprinkle a little reference from AtLA into each episode. This one had the swamp, and it's confirmed that it's the swamp that Aang visited and had magical roots and such. I'm glad they didn't drag out the getting better of Korra, because I'm itching for some fight scenes.

I kinda want to see a fight scene between Toph and Kuvira, but it's pretty unlikely.

Honestly, I don't have much to say about this episode, other than how fabulous it is.

//sooo short post for today and I hope you have a great day. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Percy Jackson's Cheesy Nosebleed - by Rick Riordan

Lets talk about the final book of the Percy Jackson merchandise,
The Blood of Olympus.
What's up with the title? The series is already called The Heroes of Olympus, couldn't he come up with a better name?
I mean, Rick Riordan is a creative person!
How about The Blood of Gaea, or even The Last Blood?
The title already foreshadowed disappointment, but that didn't stop me from buying it.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

I didn't really have many problems with it earlier on.
I found that the parts with Reyna and Nico were more interesting than the main plot line.
I feel like we didn't get to see Frank and Percy as much in this book, just a lot of Jason.
Leo seemed to get more and more boring continuing into the story. All of his jokes were based off annoying vanity.

Here we go into the last bits: I will be going in random order

The book feels like Rick Riordan got bored with the series at the end, and stopped trying as much. It seemed to deteriorate as it went.
The fights felt really compact and short -- even Zeus praising Jason(woopee, more Jason) took a page and a half.
They don't discuss how dangerous it really was for Zeus to slap a ship across the Atlantic. (Of course we knew they'd live, but that's beside the point.)
Leo's death should have been sadder, and drawn out a bit longer before you flip to the next page and find out he's alive. That kind of kills it.
They don't focus a lot on the prophecy these books, so I'd forgotten what it said. In the original series, they repeated the lines multiple times, and people were thinking about them all the time. They seemed to have forgotten about it until the actual thing happened.
I feel that its kind of cheesy that we don't see anybody good die in this book. They said one of the four would die, so they went and found a magical cure(wow how convenient!) that cured death. It's the final book, the final battle -- I think at least somebody we knew should die. Not just "There were many casualties for both the Greeks and the Romans".
I feel like each of the individual 7 demigods got way too powerful. They already are demigods, but then most of them have a special thing or two added on. I'll start from least to greatest.
7. Annabeth - I have no problem with her character, and am glad that he didn't add on some random magical thing that happens to surface and fix all their problems.
6. Percy - He didn't really do as much in this book, and he doesn't have any super special things that would set him too far apart from Poseidon's other demigod children. (If he has any)
5. Jason - He took up a huge part of this books, which kind of sucks, because he was my least favorite character. As for powers, he doesn't have any super special things that would set him too far apart from Zeus's other demigod children.
4. Leo - He has the rare option of fire, for a Hephaestus child, but he doesn't control it entirely. He is also immune to fire, so....
3. Frank - I would have put him as lesser overpowered because of the firewood, but it hardly comes up because of Leo's fireproof baggy. Now he's just an overpowered son of Ares who also has Ares's blessing, so he's super tall and strong and leader-y and overpowered.
2. Hazel - She is already daughter of Hades, so she's already just as powerful and Percy and Jason(with the tunnels and jewels and stuff). But noooo- she has to add on the Mist as a power, because it's convenient for her to possess that power and hide all of them from monsters and gods and goddesses and sorceresses.
1. Piper - I wasn't sure whether to put Hazel or Piper at the top of the list, but chose Piper because of the sudden sheer power of her charm speak. I mean, Gaea is the goddess, she could nearly wipe out the earth when she was asleep. But I guess that's okay, just blast her with fire and tell her to go back to sleep and it'll all be o.k.
(there's an addition of Nico manipulating dreams, but he's not one of the seven, so...)

I think that's about it. If you have anything to add or suggest, please comment.
Btw what do you think about Leo?
I have a classmate that's insisting that he's dead.
I don't think so.
What do you think?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hey there

I'm just going to go out on a limb and start ranting. Or not really ranting I guess, but just jotting down anything and everything that comes into my mind. I'm not going to erase anything until I go back later to change spelling errors and stuff like that. I've already misspelled three - scratch that four words. But that's beside the point. Shoot. I forgot what I was going to say. Welllll, lets start out by talking about whats going to be on this blog just as a fair warning. The main points are probably rants, book talk, movie talk, and/or random drawing stuff. Additionally, there are going to be plenty of grammar and spelling mistakes and possible offensive stuff, so if you're OCD, easily offended, you might want to leave now.
Time to rant.
What's your worst feeling?
The feeling you hate the most, the one that you dread?
If it's dread, I'm not really sure how you can dread dread, but whatever.
//haha dread dread
I personally despise boredom. Boredom creeps up on you and swallows you and surrounds you and smooshes you into a corner.
//is smooshes a word?
It kind of fills you up, but doesn't at the same time. It makes me itch all over. It's like almost sneezing but then your body decides: "Nope! Never mind! Turn back cuz I said so."
It's difficult to fulfill, because you don't know exactly what it wants. You don't know whether it wants fun, games, friends, internet, or food, or it's just a hungry side effect.
When I'm bored, I don't think - oh, I better do some work, that'll help.
I think - better sit around and do nothing! Thank seems like a good idea!
Boredom is my enemy.