Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Town

Was a pretty good movie.
I thought Ben Affleck was a little... rounder.
But I guess not.
he has a beard now, doesn't he?

But it was a pretty good movie.
Jeremy Renner was like... blonde.
That was just weird.
Like... really, really weird.

It was a blonde Hawkeye,
A blonde Agent Brent,
and blonde dude from Bourne Legacy.

But it was a pretty badass movie.
I mean, they used the word "fuck" so many times its unbelievable.
They really need a more creative script.

But despite being a romance, I think it was a pretty badass movie.

The title "The Town" sounds kind of a like a "Little house of the prairie" sort of thing though.
And then I saw the cover, and I agreed to watch it.

Those nun disguise things were as scary as hell, man.
They probably scarred that little kid for life!

Honestly, this movie slightly reminded me of Now You See Me.

A gang of people that steal money from banks and shit, but they are still the main characters.

Except Now You See Me had a more complicated, awesome plot. ^^
Just my opinion.
My correct, opinion that is.

But anyways, it was a pretty good movie, it had a whole bunch of people that I recognized though.
Have I been watching too many movies?
Nah, that can't be it. Better watch Gone Girl Gone.
Review will be coming soon ~

Monday, December 22, 2014

Oh, Utah.

I'm in Utah to ski.
The first night we stayed here, it looked like a flat barren wasteland.
It looked so flat that at night, I thought we were completely surrounded by water (I was sleepy don't judge me).
And when we went skiing, it was so windy and cold and snowy that you could see the wind.
You could see the snow swirling in the air, cruelly waiting for you to step outside the lodge and submit to its icy blasts.
It was painful.
and cold.
My toes died.
And hour after skiing, they were still red from the blood desperately trying to keep them alive.

Wow, Utah, thanks.

And then we went to the grocery store.
What the hell.
I found crazy things at every corner.
I actually found four.

1. Ew what.
Why would you even.
That sounds stupid and terrible at the same time.

2. Who thought this was a good idea?

3. Oh my god what the fuck is going on are there nuclear plants by the orchard or something

4. I don't even

To sum it up, Utah is weird.
Happy Holidays!


Okay, I know I sound like a whiny little brat, and I am, but I've just been seeing so many freaking annoying things that I rant about to other people, so hello Internet, and I know this is a run-on sentence but I wonder if I could make this entire rant post one whole sentence, sorry if this is difficult to read, but anyways, continuing from my original topic, I wanted to rant about something I saw online : Bill Gates quit school, Steve Jobs quit school, Mark Zuckerberg quit school, I can quit school - by the way, if you don't know who they are, shame on you - so anyways, I want to express why this is so wrong, because you really shouldn't use them as excuses to why your own inadequacy to continue school --

Okay I quit, this is really fucking hard man.
But I'll continue the rant down here.
You shouldn't use them as examples to excuse your quitting school.
They were all exemplary geniuses, and only quit because it was a waste of time for them.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, one of the best colleges in the U.S., because he didn't NEED it, he was just wasting his time there.
As well as Steve Jobs, he dropped out of Reed College in Ohio, and Mark Zuckerberg got into Harvard as well.
They already were extremely intelligent people who had better things to do.
If you want to take an example from them, why not become a fruitarian too?
Why don't you be an ass to a girl and complain about her in your website?

Don't use that as an excuse for your own laziness to complete college or high school or whatever, you're not Bill Gates.

Stop it, for god's sake.
And this looks short cuz of the ginormous paragraph sentence in the beginning. :D

Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I hate vocab.
I really loathe vocab.
I seriously despise vocab.


Honestly though, english is my worst subject.
And I don't even know why.
Maybe because I have short term memory, and english forces you to actually remember it.


I also don't like science.
I mean I didn't mind it as much until this year.
I think my current teacher kind of contributes toward my hatred.
She makes us do all of these stupid, useless labs.
And there's always a project going on.
When I ask her a question, she never answers it fully, just kind of a vague description.
Just like my math teacher.


She was actually pretty cool at the beginning of the year.
But soon enough, we figured out that she looks down on us, like we're little mushrooms in a garden.
We're just stupid little things that do math, are trivial, and don't matter much.
When I ask her about a question on the homework that I didn't understand (cuz we are encouraged to ask questions and shit), and the ways she answers is irritating beyond belief.

She looks at you as if you are stupid, and repeats your question in a statement form and goes on some random tangent about something completely different. After her totally irrelevant tangent, she looks back at you as if you're a toddler and asks, "Do you understand it now?"
Of course, you are forced to say yes, or else she'll think your an utter moron.


I used to actually like her.
Then there was this question that she was OBVIOUSLY wrong, but she insisted that you had to use the book's way and continued as if it never happened. I mean, really?
By logic, I was evidently right.
I don't remember the question, but I do remember asking my math olympiad teacher later on and he told me that I was indeed correct. :D


And she totally over exaggerates things.
My friend got a 60 on her test and had tears in her eyes, and was quiet for the rest of the class.
My teacher twisted it to say that she was sobbing loudly at her desk and wouldn't talk to anyone.
And she always singles people out.
She singled me out as an "anonymous person" that my project was low quality(basically terrible) and that's why she took points off.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Grand Budapest

Heeyy, so I just watched the Grand Budapest Hotel last night.
The first word that comes to mind is weird.
I mean honestly.
It's the story of a dead author who is telling a story about an old man who is telling a story.
Pretty mind twisting all by itself.
But it's a really good movie.

I mean it's pretty quirky, but it was pretty funny.

"You goddamn fascist assholes!"
And Zero is just like what.
What the hell is going on.

"This painting is glorious, it reminded her of me, and will always remind me of her. .. ...
We must sell it by the end of the week."

"You must never be a candy ass in prison."

Gustave is pretty awesome.
He's an idiot in many ways, but he's cool.

What was with the scar the shape of Mexico on Agatha's face?
What was the point of if?

But it's a good movie.

The music in the movie creeped me out.
It always got so intense at random places, and it freaked me out.
The music is always the thing that freaks me out the most in movies.
I know, I'm a weenie, but it's really dramatic music.

And there were a lot of random dead people.

and I got a little confused at some parts.
Why was Gustave mad at Serge X for running away?
Whats going on.

And there's the creepy as hell "private investigator" and he just kills everybody that pisses off that family?

And why did the cat die when he was thrown out the window?
Don't cats land on their feet when dropped off a tall distance?
I guess it was a really pussy.
eheheh I'm so punny.
//I'll shut up now.

But really, if you haven't watched it yet, go watch it, it's better than I expected.
I mean of course its crazy, but it's really good.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Something actually bloggy

So I was bored(as usual)
and browsing through random shit online(as usual)
and I decided to look at a couple of blogs.

They look so... sunny.
Why are they all so happy.

As you may have noticed, I'm a bit of a pessimist.
I actually prefer to qualify myself as a pessimist-optimist

n. A person who is so pessimistic that when anything good happens to them, they are very optimistic and happy and surprised etc. etc.

Basically I spew grumpy shit until something good happens.
That sounds about right.

So anyways, all of these blogs are so happy sun-shiny.

the light...
it burnssss

But today, I'm just gonna post something actually blogg-ish.
Credit to

I made food.
I like baking, I actually bake quite a lot.

But I attended the Holiday Fair with my friends, and made cookies.
A recipe that is quite popular and I make a lot are these.

oh my god my hand looks as retarded as hell.
But anyways-
I just wanted to share them because they're so awesome.

I got the cocoa powder from amazon and the powdered sugar from Google Shopping Express.
You can see the extent of my laziness.

I don't think I have gotten off the couch for a couple of hours.

Now I know why I don't do normal bloggy stuff.
It's so... drearily boring.
The reason I made this is to not be bored.
So I'm gonna just end this right here.
And due to this crappy post, I'll post another tomorrow.
Have a happy Saturday!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

That one

Hah, the title is a bit deceiving.
Which one?
The one I like?

Yeah, it's the one I dislike.
Oh for god's sake she's a bitch.
There's always this one kid that's just a complete asshole.
For the sake of anonymity, let's call her Crap.
Because if anybody out there is named Crap, then your parents must really hate you.

She is extremely irritating.
She thinks she is better than everybody.
"Oh, I'm in Algebra-advanced! Heeheehee, I'm smarter than you, and you, and you, and all of you!"

My friend, who is taking "genius" math class (and is modest about it) which has tons of homework, was handing around a survey and came across Crap. It was a survey on which subject hands out the most homework, and Crap responded with math.
My friend commented, "Oh hey, I have the most homework in math too!"
Crap: "Oh, but I'm in Algebra-advanced."

Oh, that must mean you have SO much more homework than her because you're SOOO smart!
So many people are in that math class you fucking moron.
I'm in the math class.
You're not better than everyone.
Stop it.

She interrupts people whenever somebody talks.
She butts into everybody's conversations.

You're not special.
And stop trying to suck up to all the teachers.
You may think that you are being friendly when you try to make conversation with them, but you don't interrupt them and say what you want.
For fucks sake, you are NOT the center of the world.

Get with the real world.
Stop it.

Monday, December 8, 2014


As an asian, I have already been contemplating colleges.
To get into a good college, you have to be smart, interesting, and talented.
And most importantly, have overcome some sort of problem.
So basically, somebody who's had a perfectly normal life can't really get into a good college.
And that's my problem.

I am a really boring person with nothing special.
I'm semi antisocial, I don't do sports, I'm weak, I'm average at studies...
I don't even do anything competitive.
It's pretty sad, honestly.
The only reason I do anything even sort of competitive is because my mom wants me to.
I don't want to run for vice president, I HATE speaking in public.
Are you kidding me?
But of course, I have to oblige.

I haven't overcome any sort of huge struggle in my life.
I'm not poor.
I'm not mentally different.
I've never been bullied.
I've had a good life.
But of course, with a normal life, you can't go anywhere special.

An top of that, I'm Asian.
There's the stereotype that all asians are smart.
I am here to confirm that.
That means there are millions of other Asians competing to the same school.
What can I do about that?

Of course, I understand that colleges want diversity.
They don't want a huge school to be entirely filled with squinty eyed geniuses.
But it's really unfair to the rest of us Asians.
Only the super elite ones can even stand a chance of making it.
It's pretty depressing, once you think about it.

Why is life so difficult.

Friday, December 5, 2014


I'm just gonna make this post about just.. well... wtf.
What the fuck.
I'm bored.
I guess a compilation.

Have you ever just thought of doing something completely random, ridiculous, and illogical?
Like you suddenly have the urge to go sit on a bush or something?
I was eating bread over the sink(why not), and I suddenly got the urge to rinse the bread in water and then eat it.
I had my hand of the handle of the sink before I realized what I was about to do.
My mind seems to hate bread even though my tastebuds love it.

I ordered cereal online on Monday, because that's just how pathetic I am.
I ordered it on Google Shopping because it arrives fast.
I ordered Fruit Loops cuz I hadn't eaten them in a while.
Plops on the doorstep a massive box of Fruit Loops.
But since we have a lot of ants in our house, we have to pour out all the fruit loops into a separate jar.
I was pouring them in when I suddenly came across this monster.
What the fuck is this shit
It's like a fricken cylinder what the hell.
Why the fuck do they make this thing
How do they even make it so retarded.

I also found another one that was normal shaped but had a skin of sugar crystals through the hole of the cereal. How much sugar do they put on these things?!

On a completely separate note, there was a half eaten cucumber on the floor of the band room today.
Nobody even bothered to throw it away.
We all just kind of avoided it.
Except somebody accidentally stepped on it and it split into two. xD

Another thing
You know those mystery injuries that you sometimes get and you have now idea from where?
I got this weird ass cut on my right pointer finger.
And I have no idea from where.
It hurts whenever I use that finger to type ugh.
And I chipped the same finger's nail.
It's not that I chipped the nail that's weird, it's what it looks like.
It looks like somebody took an itty-bitty hole puncher and punched through the side of my nail.
What the fuck.
Look at that shit.
What the hell
But how the hell did I even do that.

I don't even know.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Now that all the craze is over...

Now that all the craze is over...
I can safely say that I didn't like The Fault in Our Stars.
I think it was highly overrated.
If you want sad, read See You at Harry's or A Mango Shaped Space.
Those books are fabulous and underrated.

But continuing on about TFIOS(the title is so long to type, geez)
I don't think it was all that good.

Spoiler alert:

It wasn't funny
It wasn't sad
It had an alright plot line
Just because somebody dies in a book doesn't mean that it's sad.
He didn't dwell on Augustus's death at all.
If you make somebody die, you have to let it sink in, and really hit you.
They kind of just said :
Oh, he died.
Oh, no.
I'm sad.
Peter Van whatever came, said sorry.
The end.

It wasn't a very gripping book to me.
I don't have much to say about it.
I didn't like it, to say the least.

I also didn't like Mockingjay.
That's no surprise, honestly, that book was terrible.
Nothing happened, it was all talk, blah blah blah.
There were no major battles, they completely skimmed over the hostage rescue thing.
It was very dry, bland, and a stringy plot.
And I was completely confused in the end when Prim died.
I get that, but what does it mean when Katniss becomes a fire mutt?
What the hell does that mean?
Her skin peels off because of a fire and she becomes a mutation?
Why didn't she die in the bomb blast?
I'm pretty sure if you're next to a giant exploding bomb, you're gonna die.
If she survived, why couldn't they save Prim?
and they killed off all the cool characters and left the annoying ones.
The main character of a book is never my favorite character.
They just had to kill off Finnick and Prim.
At least they left Beetee.
But seriously?

Welp, I'm out of things to say, so have a great day!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Let's rant about something
Martha Stewart.
(free speech y'all)

She makes everything overly complicated.
She expects everybody to have unlimited supplies of every sort, and all the time in the world.
I've seen recipes that take 9 hours, and none of them include chilling or freezing.

For example:
My mom bought some chestnuts and looked up how to roast chestnuts by Martha Stewart.
May I ask who the hell has a chestnut roasting pan?
I'd never even heard of a chestnut roasting pan.
And without it, it didn't work very well. we had to scoop the chestnuts out of the shell with a mini fork.
She makes everything soooo complicated.
Let's go find one that's overly complicated.


Okay I'm too lazy to go and specifically find one.

But I've looked at her recipes countless times to find some fancy ˙߃å¬˚ç or some ø∑˜Ω¬¬¬¬¬˜çˆthat nobody's ever heard of.

Again, I'm too lazy to write very much today, so happy saturday to y'all, and I don't like Martha Stewart. Yey!

Thursday, November 27, 2014



Should immigrants celebrate thanksgiving?
I don't know.
This is an American holiday.
You don't exactly see people in Guatemala celebrating the fourth of July.
But for some reason, my cousin in China still gets thanksgiving break.
He lives in China for heavens sake!
Did CHINA have a happy dinner with the Natives?

I still don't know.
Do you have an opinion on this?
I mean, my family doesn't invite all of our family over and have a giant traditional Thanksgiving feast or anything.
Mostly because all my relatives live in China.
Or Texas.
So we gather up all the rest of our immigrant friends and have a mini party thing.

okay this is short, but have a happy thanksgiving people!
Don't fall into a food coma!


I need to complain about something.
I'm feeling frustrated about an upcoming test, and I rant the best when I'm irritated.
Any cruddy movies lately?
Guardians of the Galaxy(I think) had a pretty weak storyline.
Oh yeah, I watched a couple movies on the bus to Yosemite.
On the way there, we watched the movie Miracle and (of fucking course)Frozen.
I am so sick and tired of that movie.
That's a pretty good topic, let's talk about that.

Hey, it's a pretty good movie, Disney can animate like Pixar cuz they bought it!
It's not about a prince saving a princess from some shit!
They don't get married in 2 days!
Great soundtrack too!

But bad things happen when you give people too much of something good.
Always in moderation.
The same thing happened with Despicable me.
All of the parents were just like:, "Oh hey, look, it's a PG movie and all the kids seem to love it! Let's show it to them again! And again! and AGAIN!"
I probably watched it around 5-6 times already. 
SICK of it!
But guess what the fans do!
They suck it up and spew it back out with 80x that magnitude.
Do you know how many times I have listened to the song 'Let it Go'?

Before I even watched the movie, my friends watched it, and they relayed basically all of the movie lyrics to me. They basically force fed me music.
I had pretty much memorized all of the songs in the movie except for the ice and the one that everybody forgets, but whatever.

Then, I come out of the movie theater to people singing it at every corner!
I can't escape it!
They're playing For the First time in Forever on the speakers at school.
They are playing the Demi Lovato version of Let it go on the radio.
There are millions of covers of every single song on Youtube.
And the most frustrating thing is...

Always in moderation kids.

All the singing in that bus on the way there gave me a headache. Never make me watch that thing again. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Big Hero 6

Heeeeyy so last night, I watched Big Hero 6!
and nobody else was in the theater!
Well okay that's not entirely true.
When I first got there, there were no people.
but after about ten minutes, a couple groups arrived.
In total, there were no more than 15 people.
There was one group that sat behind me - agh!
It was a mother and a daughter - the mother so so large that she couldn't sit directly next to her child, she had to sit several seats away so she wouldn't crush her. She talked on the phone through part of the movie, and talked loudly at that!
Her daughter wasn't any better.
She was maybe... a 6-8 year old child, and she was soooo annoying!
Every time there was anything remotely sad, funny, or cute, she would express it extremely loudly and obnoxiously.
so that partially ruined the experience.
But eventually, I think I shot her enough dirty looks for her to shut up and get the message.

Review time! Yay!
Spoiler Alert!

It was honestly an adorable movie.
It was straightforward, including superhero-like things, humor, robots, etc etc.
There really isn't that much to say.
But why didn't Hiro give himself any special super suit power?
Why didn't he make himself fly or something?
What was the point of Mochi?
But honestly, the robotics, the animation, it was all really awesome.
Except that Hiro doesn't really look asian.
Just saying.
and btw is the play on words 'Hiro/Hero' intentional?
If you know please tell me :)

But the storyline.. well, it was pretty cliche.
I think they basically took Guardians of the Galaxy and make it more kiddy(animated, straightforward, no swearing).

They both have a main character who has dead/gone parents.
The main character finds a team.
One of the members of the team is un-humanoid and doesn't have human-ish ways.
The team beats the bad guy together.
That member dies.
It turns out that that member doesn't die, and there's some way to bring it back.

Wow! Doesn't that sound familiar?

But either way, Big Hero 6 was a really cute movie- go watch it if you haven't, and have a great Thanksgiving break!

Monday, November 24, 2014

School Lunches

What do you think about school lunches?
Or at least your school's lunches?
Are they the typical, nasty, gloppy food pictured in movies and books?
Or are they serving gourmet food served in restaurants?

Our school food isn't exactly 'mystery meat' mush,
but it's most definitely not gourmet.

It was already pretty bad last year,
but this year, everything is whole wheat(thanks Michelle Obama).

Whole wheat? Seriously?
I get the fact that it's trying to help cure child obesity and shit,
but come one, what percent of the child population is like that?
Why do the rest of us have to suffer with disgusting loaves of bread?
Thank GOD they didn't make the pasta whole grain.
Gluten free is bad enough. -.-

Let's talk about the hamburgers.
Sorry, let me edit that statement.
Two giant buns of overly sweet whole wheat bread with an itty bitty bland piece of meat suffocating between them.
They might as well call it bread with a small side of meat.
What the hell.

At least our school provides free fruit.
Oh right.
About half the time, it's cool, it's great, it's normal fruit.
But the other half of the time, it's rotten, it's mutated, it's covered in pesticides.
You can TASTE the bitterness of the pesticides on the apple skin.
Once, I got this terrible apple that looked like it had been covered in wax, but then the wax started peeling off.
I've had some pretty bad experiences with this shit.

And the pizza is whole grain.
Where the hell did they even find a place that sold whole grain pizza?
And the slices are about the size of my hand.
And I've got a pretty average hand size.
Us normal people need nutrition to get through this grueling day that's required by law.

Plus, it's super overpriced.
It's six dollar for a tiny paper bowl of pasta, a piece of fruit, and a slice of whole wheat bread.

Unfortunately, there is an ever-growing population of lazy people(i.e. me) who don't bring their own lunches, so the lunch service at our school still has an abundance of customers.

Plus, my school doesn't even have a cafeteria. It has a dusty old plain with green tables and umbrellas. At least make it grass so we don't get dirt in our food every time somebody walks by.

Go on and complain about your school lunches in the comments if you want to.
Because ours sucks!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Let's be thankful
for Thanksgiving break.

A poem
of the true freedom
of Thanksgiving break

My teachers stare in jealousy
Except for the ISEE of course, but that's over on Saturday.
I can just finish chinese homework in class
Oh wait
we have a semester final.
And I have to study
Over thanksgiving break
and Beestar(math and english)
Tech Challenge
oh a dentist appointment
so excited.
for thanksgiving break.



Thursday, November 20, 2014

I need to complain about something.
I'm feeling frustrated about an upcoming test, and I rant the best when I'm irritated.
Any cruddy movies lately?
Guardians of the Galaxy(I think) had a pretty weak storyline.
Oh yeah, I watched a couple movies on the bus to Yosemite.
On the way there, we watched the movie Miracle and (of fucking course)Frozen.
I am so sick and tired of that movie.
That's a pretty good topic, let's talk about that.

Hey, it's a pretty good movie, Disney can animate like Pixar cuz they bought it!
It's not about a prince saving a princess from some shit!
They don't get married in 2 days!
Great soundtrack too!

But bad things happen when you give people too much of something good.
Always in moderation.
The same thing happened with Despicable me.
All of the parents were just like:, "Oh hey, look, it's a PG movie and all the kids seem to love it! Let's show it to them again! And again! and AGAIN!"
I probably watched it around 5-6 times already. 
SICK of it!
But guess what the fans do!
They suck it up and spew it back out with 80x that magnitude.
Do you know how many times I have listened to the song 'Let it Go'?
˜Ø Â؉´ ωظ„˜ Å˝Ó

Before I even watched the movie, my friends watched it, and they relayed basically all of the movie lyrics to me. They basically force fed me music.
I had pretty much memorized all of the songs in the movie except for the ice and the one that everybody forgets, but whatever.

Then, I come out of the movie theater to people singing it at every corner!
I can't escape it!
They're playing For the First time in Forever on the speakers at school.
They are playing the Demi Lovato version of Let it go on the radio.
There are millions of covers of every single song on Youtube.
And the most frustrating thing is...

Always in moderation kids.

All the singing in that bus on the way there gave me a headache. Never make me watch that thing again. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I love my mom.
Don't get me wrong.
But sometimes, she's just so frustrating!
It's not like the mom that talks about "girl stuff" or pries too much into my life.
Or the mom that tells embarrassing stories about me to my friends or something.

She's just... well...

I can't tell her anything without her using it against me.
It's like talking to the police "Anything you say can and will be used against you."
I can't talk about feelings, thoughts, future, past, anything.
I tried several times.
I'm usually an introverted person and keep my feelings to myself and talk about other random stuff.
I don't tell people anything, really.
But I tried opening up to her, and told her about how I thought that I was a selfish and greedy person.
It failed miserably.
She told me that she didn't think that I was selfish.
She didn't let me finish my sentences.
Whenever I try to speak, she cuts me off.
And she hates it whenever I do it to her.
Within the next 6 hours, she used it against me(New record!).
I groaned about how long it was taking for the food to arrive at a restaurant.
We had already waiting an hour to get in the restaurant, and another 30 to order.
We had only gotten an appetizer and 2 bowls of rice.
She immediately told me that she now thought I was selfish.
Thanks Mom.
Never telling you anything again.

She also doesn't support me in what I want to do with my life.
I can tell that she tries to show her support,
but I know that she really doesn't.
At least she tries.
She used to openly state how drawing should only be a hobby, and nothing more.
She still doesn't comment about my art when I ask her to, other than a short grunt.
But now, I think her patience is wearing thin again.
I doodle.
A lot.
On paper, on the sides of my homework, on my planner.
She hates it.
I don't understand why, but she despises it, and yells at me for it.
And she keeps suggesting to teach me more coding, or sending me to a coding camp.
I'm sick of it.
I can do what I want with my future.
I can do what I want with my life.
I can choose what FUCKING PATH I WANT TO GO.
I'm sorry about that, I just needed to get it out.
Punching stuff worked for a while, but it's gotten old.

She also hates it when I do homework on the couch.
I don't know how it affects her, but she screams at me for working anywhere but right next to her in the dining room.

She rarely compliments me on anything.
She's so difficult to please.
Or make happy in general.
She only laughs at her own jokes.
She always cuts me off.
She always blames me for something.
She yells at me and my dad for the smallest things(i.e. cutting carrots, being late 5 minutes, not doing this or that the second after she tells us to). And when she forgets to do something, we can't do anything about it. Because she makes us food.
I make her something, and she gives me a strained smile and walks away.
I try to hug her and she avoids it.
I try to make small talk but she tells me to bug off.
I try to compliment her and she tells me to go do something else.
I try to be nice, and she rejects me.
And the second I start being grumpy(usually on vacation with friends), she starts lecturing me about how my mood is rubbing off on everybody else.
Isn't your mean, annoying lecturing rubbing off on everybody else?
Oh, what happened to your mood EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE?!
Sorry again.

My IQ is going DOWN as I grow up?!
OH, and I'm stupid, and I'll never get anywhere in life?!
I'm going to end up as a FRIGGEN HOBO on the corner of MCDONALD'S?!

And again, don't take me wrong, I love my mom, but some of the time, she irritates the crap out of me.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I just saw a trailer... or two... or three.

Soo, I just saw a trailer for 3 different movies.
Let's start from order of watching.

Big Hero 6
Weee big max looks so cute!
He's just like this fat marshmallow.
I mean, not like the Ghostbusters marshmallow man, but
He's so cute!
And he just waddles across the screen.
Like a penguin.
And even though Hiro(haha hero) Hamada is supposed to be Asian, he doesn't look like it at all.
Dammit Disney first you over racialize it with Mulan and now you under racialize it with him?
Come on.
But I don't really have much to say about this cuz the main thing was how cute little marshmallow fluff is. 

Age of Ultron
I am so unbelievably excited for this movie.
But when I watched the trailer, well... it looked so sad!
And just generally gloomy and dark.
The Guardians of the Galaxy was so happy looking! (oh yeah I saw a kid dressed up as Starlord for Halloween!)
But anyways.
What's up with the mood change?
What was up with that random clip of ballerina's in the middle?
Is Ultron Tony Stark's creation?
I didn't even like Captain America in Avengers, but come on, that was his symbol.
Is he dead?
It looks like everybody is going to die.
That sucks.
I guess they might be making up for the fact that nobody dies in Cap. 'Murica 2.
Whoops spoilers.
But if you haven't watched that by now, you're really late.
But Loki's going to be in this movie, so that makes everything better.

First of all,
Second of all,
This is such an obvious obvious attempt at marketing, it's ridiculous.
It's worse than Olaf.
They were cute at first, but now they're just so irritating it's unbelievable.
They used to be like little bears that you wanted to squish.
Now they're bears that you want to punch.
They're in New York? Really?
And how long do those minions live, anyways?
I'm not looking forward to this.

Rating from most excited to least excited:
Age of Ultron
Big Hero 6


Have a good day y'all, and go check out the trailers :)

Age of Ultron

Big Hero 6


Saturday, November 15, 2014



I have no idea what to talk about, but I still want to talk.
But if I talk to somebody, I will fail miserably and slink away.
First world problems.

But I still need to blow off steam.
So I'll do that thingy.
Whatever you wanna call it.
I forgot what I called it and now I'm too lazy to go back and check.

(well isn't this starting out well)
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Triple A

Okay, honestly I don't think I have enough steam to continue this, but Youtube is a pretty fabulous topic to end off on.
I'm starting to get a little tired and I don't really know why.
My mood fluctuates a lot.
If you have read my other posts, you might have figured that out by now.
I'm still bored.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Sorry for the recent inactiveness, I've been in

There's honestly so much to talk about.
I think I've blown off most of my steam to my parents, but I'll express what I have left.
I'm still pretty jittery.

First off, I have to express about how grateful I am to be back home.
My bed is floofy and trustworthy.
It smells normal.
There is a bathroom in the house(how awesome is that?!).
I don't have to wake up at 6:30.
I don't have paper thin walls.
So happy.

But Yosemite really is an amazing place.
There's great views, great scenery, great landscape.... and that's about it.
The food was decent. That's something.
The water was really cold, and I generally hate hiking/anything physical, but it's much more fun with friends. Everything is.
Honestly though, after this trip, I do think I have a better outlook on nature.
But screw that cheesy shit, this is a rant-ish, leaning towards the pessimistic-y side blog, so let's get started on that.

First impression-
The cabin smelled weird.
Nobody else's did, causing me to worry that there was a mouse rotting in our heater or something.
It's hard to explain.
It scared me.

We had tent cabins, so anything you say can be heard by people on opposite sides of you.
So no cheesy sleepover games for us.
But it's not only that, but we can't talk at ALL.
There are some really picky sleepers( regular=10 hours!?), causing some really irrational breakdowns in a tent cabin near us.
Plus, we have a curfew of 10, with a wake up time of 6:30, maxing out on 8.5 hours.
That's a good night sleep for me.
Those kids are going to be murdered in high school.

We also had these things called bear boxes, where we had to store anything that had a smell, because animals(raccoons and bears) would come and try to eat them.
Food, Toiletries, etc.
My toothpaste turned into gel by the end of the week.
But I get the reason.
One of friends forgot to close their bear-box door, and a raccoon got in and ate their apple.

It's freezing cold in the morning and night, so you don't really know what to wear for the day.
You don't want to wear to much, so you have to change in the middle of the day, but you don't want to wear to little and catch hypothermia.
My gloves got wet, so my hands turned red from the blood trying to make up for the temperature change.
They looked almost swollen and sunburned.
It was so cold they nicknamed it "Little Siberia".
And since it's California, it's in drought, so there were few rivers and waterfalls.
Never complaining about the cold again.

My field group leader was what you call... a little... well..
Let's call him Joe for the sake of anonymity.
Of course, he was nice, he was cool, he knew a million different ways to make whistles out of random things, but he just talked a lot.
On the first day of hiking ,we stopped so many times for him to lecture us about something around that we only hikes 1.25 miles in seven hours. We were late by 37 minutes. We had to take a shuttle back because we were so late.
While it was raining, we stood at a tree for half an hour talking about lichen.
I learned what I wanted and more than I wanted to know about lichen.
Lichen is pronounced like-en in America, and leech-en in Europe.
Lichen has a mutual agreement with fungi.
Lichen is made of two parts - fungi and algae.
Also, for a night activity, we returned back to camp so late that we weren't allowed to brush our teeth.
It was past 10, and we had to go directly to our cabins and sleep- lights out.
Guess who was hosting that activity.
That's right. Joe.
Joe talked about bears for over an hour.

I never want to hear about bears again. 
Don't take me wrong, Joe is awesome, but just a little tiresome.

Yosemite is amazing, and I would rant more, but I'm kinda sleepy because of the long bus ride and the previous bedtime of 10.
Have you ever gotten really tired after a long car or plane ride and you don't know why?
What would you call that?
Bus lagged?
Yosemite lagged?
I'll call my special situation "Yosemibus-lagged".

Btw-If you know the reason people get sleepy after long bus rides, please tell me.
Is it because of the long periods of inactiveness?
Anyways, G'night, sleep tight, don't let the raccoons bite!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Have you ever thought about something you'd done in the past and cringed? Hard?
How could you have been so stupid? How could you have done something so ridiculous?
I want to punch myself, or knock my head into a wall. Again. And again. And again.
I think of those moments everyday, and I want to kick myself.

Today I had one of those moments(sort of).

I'm an antisocial person, and when somebody tells me a joke, it takes a moment for me to respond.
I understand jokes like a second language. I have to listen to it, translate it, then react to it.
So a lot of the time, I don't understand that it's a joke, so I reply automatically with what I would've replied if it wasn't a joke.

Yesterday, I got a haircut. An acquaintance of mine walked up to me this morning and asked: "Did you get the tips of your hair dyed invisible?"

I automatically replied, "No."

She tried to rescue the joke by continuing: "That means you cut your hair, right?"

When the only reaction she got from me was a blank stare, she awkwardly walked away.

It took me several seconds after that to comprehend the joke. I wanted to scream at myself.
I do that with a lot of my conversations in general. I feel like ripping my face off.

Also, have you ever looked at yourself in previous years and thought about how insufferable you were? Every year of my life, I think: "Oh, I'm a perfectly normal person. There's no way that in the future, I'll look back on myself and cringe."  I cringe.

There was this point a couple years ago I was into pretending I was a mouse living in the wilderness with sharpened sticks.

A year before that, I didn't listen to music.

A year before that, I thought I was being bullies because people were teasing me about some minor things.

A year before that, I was a selfish brat.

And so on.

I wonder what I'll think of myself now in a year.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Omigosh omigosh omigosh

This is more of just a scream of joy than an actual post.


Loki is love.
Loki is life.

Tom Hiddleston is a fucking god.
And so is Benedict Cumberbatch.

And Google doesn't like either of their last names.

Sherlock and Avengers, my two all time favorites.
BTW, I'm not for or against Johnlock, but I think it's kinda weird.
And I haven't heard about any prominent Marvel shippings.
Shipping is weird.
You kinda just stick your two favorite characters together.
Tbh - I've never really supported shipping.
Except once where I had the sudden urge to ship Zutara.

But that's besides the point.

I was so disappointed when I found out Loki wasn't going to be in Age of Ultron, but now that it's confirmed, I can't wait to watch it!
I also really want to watch Big Hero 6.
It looks sooo cute!

We JuMped ouT A wiNdOw.
It looks so adorable!
I can't wait haha
But I don't really know what other good movies are going to be coming out soon, so if you know any, please comment below!
Thank you!

The "Amazing" Spiderman 2

Oooo this should be fun.
I genuinely hated this movie.
Sorry for all you spiderman fanboys and fangirls out there, but this was a terrible movie.
Watching it on a plane through cruddy headphones and a tiny screen a couple yards away from me may have contributed to the hatred.
This is not to be confused that I don't like Marvel. Marvel is fabulous. This movie sucks. Just like the Green Lantern(DC) movie.

Let us begin.
*dramatic music*
Spoiler Alert:

Okay, so it just happens that everybody involved meets up?
Come on.
There were too many villains in this movie, it didn't make any sense.
What kind of company hires people who don't follow code and let him go in there with the electricity still on?
How did he absorb all of that electricity without dying? What made him so special?
Electro had no character development. What was the transition between Spiderman's fanboy to mortal enemy? It didn't really elaborate on that.
It also didn't elaborate on all of his abilities.
Harry was dying, right? But his dad died at like, age 50, so why was Harry freaking out so much? What was all the sudden rush?
And if the mechanical suit thingy saved him after he injected the spider venom and was dying, why didn't he wear the suit in the first place?
Why was Harry still so mad at Spiderman after it was proved that Spiderman was right all along? What was he mad about? That he was wrong? What a sore loser.
How the hell did Spiderman recover so fast from all of those electric blasts? Humans don't recover that fast. Spiders don't recover that fast. How does that work?
How did Harry even discover that Peter Parker was Spiderman? I never really understood that bit.
Why was the defeat of Harry so rushed? He just strangled him with string and that was that.
The death of Gwen wasn't even that sad. It was so short and boring. Kind of pitiful.
Why did his dad put special secret tokens in a calculator of all things?
Why didn't the the 14 year old genius go to college?

Who and what was the point of that final villain? Please to god tell me they're not making another one of those things.

Overall, the plot, character development, and everything in general was terrible.
Have a good day!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sparkly eyes?

Have you ever read a book that mention a line like this?
"Her eyes glittered with malice."
or this?
"There was an evil glint in his eyes."
or even this?
"Her eyes gleamed with happiness."

I don't get it.
I've read a lot of books, and this has always stumped me.
Do literature people have the magical power to read the light reflecting off people's retinas?
I most certainly can't tell if somebody is happy or not by looking at the gleam in their eyes.

From what I know, normal people read other people's expressions from little strips of hair above their eyes - eyebrows.

I can't tell if somebody's sad because they tilted their head away from the light.
That doesn't make any sense.

Somebody told me recently that if you carve the pumpkin by cutting out a circle from the bottom instead around the stem, then the pumpkin will stay fresh longer because the stem is its life source.

What the heck?

That's like saying if I chop off a leg from a human corpse rather than a head, then it will rot slower.

I kind of want to try that out.
With the pumpkins, of course, not the corpses.

Also in literature, people tend to snort a lot. Have you noticed that? Somebody makes a ridiculous comment, and somebody snorts. I can't snort. Can you?

But back to the original point- I guess that's why the world isn't run the way books are written.
Otherwise, everybody would be snorting and have anime eyes.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Yeah okay I have no idea what this post is going to be about, but I want to write something, so I guess this is a rant.
Oooh actually I'm going to make this a chain word thing.
I say one random word, and after I say that word, I immediately write down the first thing I think of relating to that word.
I keep going until I'm satisfied with the final word.
I basically do this when I want to vent.
It's a pretty helpful method.
Let's see...
New Year's Eve
Chinese New Year

I'm satisfied.

Orchid -----> Sherlock
Makes sense.

Go ahead and continue it in the comments if you want.
Have a good day!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Let's discuss: Halloween

What do you think when you hear the word Halloween?
I think of candy, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, and all the festive, holiday stuff.
But Halloween was originally a pagan(satanic) holiday.
Why do you think the word Halloween is so eerie?

But now it's a generally happy little holiday where kids knock on stranger's doors and ask for//demand candy.
What if a person doesn't want to give out candy?
Do they have to leave the house?
Or ignore the insistent ringing of doorbells every so often?
Or turn off all the lights and leave out no decorations so the kids know to stay away?
What's wrong with having holiday spirit but not wanting to defile children's teeth?
What do they do?

And a lot of people take Halloween the wrong way. They take it as an opportunity to scare innocent children or steal their candy. Somebody told me that once I'm too old to trick or treat, I should take childrens' candy when they come to my door and shut it in their faces.
That's so cruel!

At least Christians still get to celebrate. Children go to churches and have a festival so they don't feel left out. My friend volunteers there every Halloween.

I honestly don't have much to say about Halloween. I just wanted to have an currently relevant post. //success

But Halloween is a strange holiday.
As a kid, I still have to approve of it.
Free candy!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Today was a strange day. 
I witnessed several examples of completely unnecessary middle school drama.
Or like... two.
Quick preface:
I am a female middle-schooler.
I am not girly, and I am not a tomboy.

After break, I was in the locker room, changing for P.E., but I realized that it was still break. I had already finished changing, and I didn't want to change back, so I had to stay in the locker room area. 
Some girls a grade younger than me had also thought break was over, so they started changing. They began discussing about strange topics such as boobs and ass and started taking about size and got into an argument because one was offended by another about some silly topic as such. They were standing half naked arguing about asses. I scooted out of the locker room as fast as possible. Since I could no longer return to the locker room, I stood in the shadows around the back entrance of the locker room and didn't have anything to do. 
I watched as two boys(both a grade lower than me), one shorter than the other by a considerable amount, walked past me at a fast pace. They didn't notice me. They stopped, and the shorter one exclaimed:"Even though you're three inches taller than me, doesn't mean you have superiority! You owe me something!"
The taller one retorted:"I don't owe you anything!"
They began argue and have whiny brawl.
The shorter one yelled:"You owe me something! I expect payment!"
The taller one screamed:"I don't have payment for you now!"
There was much more brawling and yelling, involving "You always think you're right, but you're not!" and repeated "You owe me something."
This looked like a TV show scene. 
This had got to be for drama, but apparently not.
Finally, they stopped fighting with their elbows and forearms and started walking the direction they came, arguing as they went. 
"You owe me something!" The shorter one yelled with excessive hand motions. "You owe me something for my ball the you lost!"

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Glorious Calling

Just to preface this, I have watched both the original AtLA series, and all the episodes of LoK that are currently release. I love this show and am disappointed that it's ending, but am excited for the rest of Book Four.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Book Four is so irritating. They give us a splendid 20 minute episode, and then you have to wait a week for another? Come on!
I love this series, and Book Four is great so far. We know that Kuvira is obviously set as the villain, but the pitiful flirting of Prince Wu almost makes you want to root for her.
Mako, Asami and Bolin are together, and Korra is on her way//yay team avatar.

The Calling

This is my favorite episode of Book Four so far. It has a great message to kids(cuz Nickelodeon) about friendship, and team effort, and such, but I'm glad it brought in Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.
This episode made Jinora almost seem like an asshole, and Meelo was always a pretentious little kid, but it was still a great episode.
I love how they always sprinkle a little reference from AtLA into each episode. This one had the swamp, and it's confirmed that it's the swamp that Aang visited and had magical roots and such. I'm glad they didn't drag out the getting better of Korra, because I'm itching for some fight scenes.

I kinda want to see a fight scene between Toph and Kuvira, but it's pretty unlikely.

Honestly, I don't have much to say about this episode, other than how fabulous it is.

//sooo short post for today and I hope you have a great day. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Percy Jackson's Cheesy Nosebleed - by Rick Riordan

Lets talk about the final book of the Percy Jackson merchandise,
The Blood of Olympus.
What's up with the title? The series is already called The Heroes of Olympus, couldn't he come up with a better name?
I mean, Rick Riordan is a creative person!
How about The Blood of Gaea, or even The Last Blood?
The title already foreshadowed disappointment, but that didn't stop me from buying it.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

I didn't really have many problems with it earlier on.
I found that the parts with Reyna and Nico were more interesting than the main plot line.
I feel like we didn't get to see Frank and Percy as much in this book, just a lot of Jason.
Leo seemed to get more and more boring continuing into the story. All of his jokes were based off annoying vanity.

Here we go into the last bits: I will be going in random order

The book feels like Rick Riordan got bored with the series at the end, and stopped trying as much. It seemed to deteriorate as it went.
The fights felt really compact and short -- even Zeus praising Jason(woopee, more Jason) took a page and a half.
They don't discuss how dangerous it really was for Zeus to slap a ship across the Atlantic. (Of course we knew they'd live, but that's beside the point.)
Leo's death should have been sadder, and drawn out a bit longer before you flip to the next page and find out he's alive. That kind of kills it.
They don't focus a lot on the prophecy these books, so I'd forgotten what it said. In the original series, they repeated the lines multiple times, and people were thinking about them all the time. They seemed to have forgotten about it until the actual thing happened.
I feel that its kind of cheesy that we don't see anybody good die in this book. They said one of the four would die, so they went and found a magical cure(wow how convenient!) that cured death. It's the final book, the final battle -- I think at least somebody we knew should die. Not just "There were many casualties for both the Greeks and the Romans".
I feel like each of the individual 7 demigods got way too powerful. They already are demigods, but then most of them have a special thing or two added on. I'll start from least to greatest.
7. Annabeth - I have no problem with her character, and am glad that he didn't add on some random magical thing that happens to surface and fix all their problems.
6. Percy - He didn't really do as much in this book, and he doesn't have any super special things that would set him too far apart from Poseidon's other demigod children. (If he has any)
5. Jason - He took up a huge part of this books, which kind of sucks, because he was my least favorite character. As for powers, he doesn't have any super special things that would set him too far apart from Zeus's other demigod children.
4. Leo - He has the rare option of fire, for a Hephaestus child, but he doesn't control it entirely. He is also immune to fire, so....
3. Frank - I would have put him as lesser overpowered because of the firewood, but it hardly comes up because of Leo's fireproof baggy. Now he's just an overpowered son of Ares who also has Ares's blessing, so he's super tall and strong and leader-y and overpowered.
2. Hazel - She is already daughter of Hades, so she's already just as powerful and Percy and Jason(with the tunnels and jewels and stuff). But noooo- she has to add on the Mist as a power, because it's convenient for her to possess that power and hide all of them from monsters and gods and goddesses and sorceresses.
1. Piper - I wasn't sure whether to put Hazel or Piper at the top of the list, but chose Piper because of the sudden sheer power of her charm speak. I mean, Gaea is the goddess, she could nearly wipe out the earth when she was asleep. But I guess that's okay, just blast her with fire and tell her to go back to sleep and it'll all be o.k.
(there's an addition of Nico manipulating dreams, but he's not one of the seven, so...)

I think that's about it. If you have anything to add or suggest, please comment.
Btw what do you think about Leo?
I have a classmate that's insisting that he's dead.
I don't think so.
What do you think?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hey there

I'm just going to go out on a limb and start ranting. Or not really ranting I guess, but just jotting down anything and everything that comes into my mind. I'm not going to erase anything until I go back later to change spelling errors and stuff like that. I've already misspelled three - scratch that four words. But that's beside the point. Shoot. I forgot what I was going to say. Welllll, lets start out by talking about whats going to be on this blog just as a fair warning. The main points are probably rants, book talk, movie talk, and/or random drawing stuff. Additionally, there are going to be plenty of grammar and spelling mistakes and possible offensive stuff, so if you're OCD, easily offended, you might want to leave now.
Time to rant.
What's your worst feeling?
The feeling you hate the most, the one that you dread?
If it's dread, I'm not really sure how you can dread dread, but whatever.
//haha dread dread
I personally despise boredom. Boredom creeps up on you and swallows you and surrounds you and smooshes you into a corner.
//is smooshes a word?
It kind of fills you up, but doesn't at the same time. It makes me itch all over. It's like almost sneezing but then your body decides: "Nope! Never mind! Turn back cuz I said so."
It's difficult to fulfill, because you don't know exactly what it wants. You don't know whether it wants fun, games, friends, internet, or food, or it's just a hungry side effect.
When I'm bored, I don't think - oh, I better do some work, that'll help.
I think - better sit around and do nothing! Thank seems like a good idea!
Boredom is my enemy.