Wednesday, March 15, 2017

LORD OF DA RINGS(written 1/13/2015)

I.... may or may not have spent the last couple of weeks watching Lord of the Rings.

I... may have binged watched all of them.
aaaand 1 and 2 of the Hobbit movies.

Simple enough to say...
I was preoccupied.
with repairing my eyes.
from blinding amazingness.

I've basically been walking around for two weeks choking
"Gollum - GOLLUM"
and it's really fun.

It's mine....
my own....
My precious

Buuuut questions

Where did Sauron get the power to put into the ring?
If Sauron had that much power in the first place, why did he put it into such an easily losable thing like a ring.
I mean he was literally killed because his finger was cut off.
I mean Azog had half his arm cut off and he's alive.
so what the hell?
And why didn't Elrond just shoot Isildor and throw him into the lava?
That would basically be the end of all things evil and he just let him go?
How did all of the hobbit learn the art of swords so fast?
Even in the hobbit, I mean how did Bilbo get so good so fast?
Seriously wth.
And when do elves know when to stop growing?
Do they stop aging like at 30..?
or what?
What species do Aragorn's babies turn out to be?
When does the ring qualify as "on"?
Could you put it on your toe? Would that work?
Why didn't the eagles just fly them everywhere?


And I've honestly been obsessed.
so i've watched all the LOTR related videos possible.
BTS, bloopers, stunts, fun stuff, comps, interviews, "everything wrong with" ... etc etc.

So if you're a fan like i am...

Here's a list.
If you're bored.

LOTR everything wrong with
Hobbit everything wrong with
Honest trailers
I have literally no recollection writing any of these posts.

What the fuck?

What was I doing with my life?

I can say firmly that I can relate to one of my earlier posts.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Town

Was a pretty good movie.
I thought Ben Affleck was a little... rounder.
But I guess not.
he has a beard now, doesn't he?

But it was a pretty good movie.
Jeremy Renner was like... blonde.
That was just weird.
Like... really, really weird.

It was a blonde Hawkeye,
A blonde Agent Brent,
and blonde dude from Bourne Legacy.

But it was a pretty badass movie.
I mean, they used the word "fuck" so many times its unbelievable.
They really need a more creative script.

But despite being a romance, I think it was a pretty badass movie.

The title "The Town" sounds kind of a like a "Little house of the prairie" sort of thing though.
And then I saw the cover, and I agreed to watch it.

Those nun disguise things were as scary as hell, man.
They probably scarred that little kid for life!

Honestly, this movie slightly reminded me of Now You See Me.

A gang of people that steal money from banks and shit, but they are still the main characters.

Except Now You See Me had a more complicated, awesome plot. ^^
Just my opinion.
My correct, opinion that is.

But anyways, it was a pretty good movie, it had a whole bunch of people that I recognized though.
Have I been watching too many movies?
Nah, that can't be it. Better watch Gone Girl Gone.
Review will be coming soon ~

Monday, December 22, 2014

Oh, Utah.

I'm in Utah to ski.
The first night we stayed here, it looked like a flat barren wasteland.
It looked so flat that at night, I thought we were completely surrounded by water (I was sleepy don't judge me).
And when we went skiing, it was so windy and cold and snowy that you could see the wind.
You could see the snow swirling in the air, cruelly waiting for you to step outside the lodge and submit to its icy blasts.
It was painful.
and cold.
My toes died.
And hour after skiing, they were still red from the blood desperately trying to keep them alive.

Wow, Utah, thanks.

And then we went to the grocery store.
What the hell.
I found crazy things at every corner.
I actually found four.

1. Ew what.
Why would you even.
That sounds stupid and terrible at the same time.

2. Who thought this was a good idea?

3. Oh my god what the fuck is going on are there nuclear plants by the orchard or something

4. I don't even

To sum it up, Utah is weird.
Happy Holidays!


Okay, I know I sound like a whiny little brat, and I am, but I've just been seeing so many freaking annoying things that I rant about to other people, so hello Internet, and I know this is a run-on sentence but I wonder if I could make this entire rant post one whole sentence, sorry if this is difficult to read, but anyways, continuing from my original topic, I wanted to rant about something I saw online : Bill Gates quit school, Steve Jobs quit school, Mark Zuckerberg quit school, I can quit school - by the way, if you don't know who they are, shame on you - so anyways, I want to express why this is so wrong, because you really shouldn't use them as excuses to why your own inadequacy to continue school --

Okay I quit, this is really fucking hard man.
But I'll continue the rant down here.
You shouldn't use them as examples to excuse your quitting school.
They were all exemplary geniuses, and only quit because it was a waste of time for them.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, one of the best colleges in the U.S., because he didn't NEED it, he was just wasting his time there.
As well as Steve Jobs, he dropped out of Reed College in Ohio, and Mark Zuckerberg got into Harvard as well.
They already were extremely intelligent people who had better things to do.
If you want to take an example from them, why not become a fruitarian too?
Why don't you be an ass to a girl and complain about her in your website?

Don't use that as an excuse for your own laziness to complete college or high school or whatever, you're not Bill Gates.

Stop it, for god's sake.
And this looks short cuz of the ginormous paragraph sentence in the beginning. :D

Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I hate vocab.
I really loathe vocab.
I seriously despise vocab.


Honestly though, english is my worst subject.
And I don't even know why.
Maybe because I have short term memory, and english forces you to actually remember it.


I also don't like science.
I mean I didn't mind it as much until this year.
I think my current teacher kind of contributes toward my hatred.
She makes us do all of these stupid, useless labs.
And there's always a project going on.
When I ask her a question, she never answers it fully, just kind of a vague description.
Just like my math teacher.


She was actually pretty cool at the beginning of the year.
But soon enough, we figured out that she looks down on us, like we're little mushrooms in a garden.
We're just stupid little things that do math, are trivial, and don't matter much.
When I ask her about a question on the homework that I didn't understand (cuz we are encouraged to ask questions and shit), and the ways she answers is irritating beyond belief.

She looks at you as if you are stupid, and repeats your question in a statement form and goes on some random tangent about something completely different. After her totally irrelevant tangent, she looks back at you as if you're a toddler and asks, "Do you understand it now?"
Of course, you are forced to say yes, or else she'll think your an utter moron.


I used to actually like her.
Then there was this question that she was OBVIOUSLY wrong, but she insisted that you had to use the book's way and continued as if it never happened. I mean, really?
By logic, I was evidently right.
I don't remember the question, but I do remember asking my math olympiad teacher later on and he told me that I was indeed correct. :D


And she totally over exaggerates things.
My friend got a 60 on her test and had tears in her eyes, and was quiet for the rest of the class.
My teacher twisted it to say that she was sobbing loudly at her desk and wouldn't talk to anyone.
And she always singles people out.
She singled me out as an "anonymous person" that my project was low quality(basically terrible) and that's why she took points off.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Grand Budapest

Heeyy, so I just watched the Grand Budapest Hotel last night.
The first word that comes to mind is weird.
I mean honestly.
It's the story of a dead author who is telling a story about an old man who is telling a story.
Pretty mind twisting all by itself.
But it's a really good movie.

I mean it's pretty quirky, but it was pretty funny.

"You goddamn fascist assholes!"
And Zero is just like what.
What the hell is going on.

"This painting is glorious, it reminded her of me, and will always remind me of her. .. ...
We must sell it by the end of the week."

"You must never be a candy ass in prison."

Gustave is pretty awesome.
He's an idiot in many ways, but he's cool.

What was with the scar the shape of Mexico on Agatha's face?
What was the point of if?

But it's a good movie.

The music in the movie creeped me out.
It always got so intense at random places, and it freaked me out.
The music is always the thing that freaks me out the most in movies.
I know, I'm a weenie, but it's really dramatic music.

And there were a lot of random dead people.

and I got a little confused at some parts.
Why was Gustave mad at Serge X for running away?
Whats going on.

And there's the creepy as hell "private investigator" and he just kills everybody that pisses off that family?

And why did the cat die when he was thrown out the window?
Don't cats land on their feet when dropped off a tall distance?
I guess it was a really pussy.
eheheh I'm so punny.
//I'll shut up now.

But really, if you haven't watched it yet, go watch it, it's better than I expected.
I mean of course its crazy, but it's really good.