Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I hate vocab.
I really loathe vocab.
I seriously despise vocab.


Honestly though, english is my worst subject.
And I don't even know why.
Maybe because I have short term memory, and english forces you to actually remember it.


I also don't like science.
I mean I didn't mind it as much until this year.
I think my current teacher kind of contributes toward my hatred.
She makes us do all of these stupid, useless labs.
And there's always a project going on.
When I ask her a question, she never answers it fully, just kind of a vague description.
Just like my math teacher.


She was actually pretty cool at the beginning of the year.
But soon enough, we figured out that she looks down on us, like we're little mushrooms in a garden.
We're just stupid little things that do math, are trivial, and don't matter much.
When I ask her about a question on the homework that I didn't understand (cuz we are encouraged to ask questions and shit), and the ways she answers is irritating beyond belief.

She looks at you as if you are stupid, and repeats your question in a statement form and goes on some random tangent about something completely different. After her totally irrelevant tangent, she looks back at you as if you're a toddler and asks, "Do you understand it now?"
Of course, you are forced to say yes, or else she'll think your an utter moron.


I used to actually like her.
Then there was this question that she was OBVIOUSLY wrong, but she insisted that you had to use the book's way and continued as if it never happened. I mean, really?
By logic, I was evidently right.
I don't remember the question, but I do remember asking my math olympiad teacher later on and he told me that I was indeed correct. :D


And she totally over exaggerates things.
My friend got a 60 on her test and had tears in her eyes, and was quiet for the rest of the class.
My teacher twisted it to say that she was sobbing loudly at her desk and wouldn't talk to anyone.
And she always singles people out.
She singled me out as an "anonymous person" that my project was low quality(basically terrible) and that's why she took points off.


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