Monday, December 22, 2014

Oh, Utah.

I'm in Utah to ski.
The first night we stayed here, it looked like a flat barren wasteland.
It looked so flat that at night, I thought we were completely surrounded by water (I was sleepy don't judge me).
And when we went skiing, it was so windy and cold and snowy that you could see the wind.
You could see the snow swirling in the air, cruelly waiting for you to step outside the lodge and submit to its icy blasts.
It was painful.
and cold.
My toes died.
And hour after skiing, they were still red from the blood desperately trying to keep them alive.

Wow, Utah, thanks.

And then we went to the grocery store.
What the hell.
I found crazy things at every corner.
I actually found four.

1. Ew what.
Why would you even.
That sounds stupid and terrible at the same time.

2. Who thought this was a good idea?

3. Oh my god what the fuck is going on are there nuclear plants by the orchard or something

4. I don't even

To sum it up, Utah is weird.
Happy Holidays!

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